Board of Trustees

Meet the Board of Trustees

President – Judith McKinney
Vice President – James McCorkle
Secretary – Martha Davis
Trustee – Joann Holland
Trustee – John Cromartie
Trustee – Donald Cass
Trustee – Sara Wagner

About the Board of Trustees

A seven member Board of Trustees governs the Geneva Public Library under New York State Education Law. Trustees are elected by the voters of the Geneva City School District. Elections are held annually and members of the Board serve terms of five years. The Board of Trustees hires and oversees a director, who is responsible for the administration of the library.

Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees meets on a monthly basis. Here is Library Board Calendar of Meetings. The agendas and minutes from each meeting will be available to read online no later than two weeks after a meeting. To view these documents, please use the links below.