How to Donate

Donate Materials

The Library will accept donations of materials in good condition throughout the year.

  • Pack donations in sturdy bags, boxes, or totes.
  • Drop the material off at any information desk during regular business hours.
  • Do not place donations in the outdoor book drop.
  • Tax receipts for donated items are available upon request.
  • Donated items should be clean, dry, and free of bugs or mildew.

For large donations (more than five boxes), please call ahead to ensure that there is adequate storage space and, if necessary, someone to assist with moving the items.

The Library does not accept donations of:

  • Household items
  • Items in poor condition or unhealthy to handle
  • Software or computer manuals
  • Readers Digest condensed books
  • Encyclopedias
  • ​VHS tapes, cassette tapes, vinyl records
  • Statute or regulation books

Most item donations go toward stocking our Book Sales. The Library reserves the right to add donated materials to its collection, distribute these items to other libraries, or sell, donate, or discard these items.

Giving Items for the Library’s Collection

Please call the Library prior to donating any physical materials you wish to have added to a collection.

Then print and fill out the Deed of Gift Form to be included with your donated item(s) for the collection.

  • If the donor’s mailing address is provided during the donation process, these donations may be acknowledged in writing. This thank you letter would double as a tax receipt.
  • If indicated, commemorative bookplates can be placed in these items. Please inform the Library of what should be inscribed via the Deed of Gift Form (above).

Monetary Donations

Are you looking to gift money to support the Library’s services to the community? Is there someone you would like to donate in honor or memory of? Perhaps there is a specific item you want to purchase for our collections? Or, are you looking to support some programming or equipment purchases?

Cash or Check: Print and fill out the Monetary Donation Form to be included with your donation. Then bring in, or mail the donation to the Library at the following address:

Geneva Public Library
c/o Administrative Assistant
244 Main St
Geneva, NY 14456

Credit Card: Please use our PayPal option below, or come into the library.


If you purchase an item for the Library’s collection, once we order and process it, you can be the first to borrow the item!

To purchase specific titles, first call the Library for item pricing.


If the donor’s mailing address is provided during the donation process, these donations may be acknowledged in writing. This thank you letter would double as a tax receipt.
If indicated, commemorative bookplates can be placed in items purchased with monetary donations. Please inform the Library of what should be inscribed via the Monetary Donation Form (above).

If the donation is in memory or honor of another person, there is the option of notifying others of a donation, as long as a mailing address is provided. Please note that the Library strives to maintain its patrons’ rights to privacy in this matter.

Consult our Gifts and Donation Policy for more information.

Thank you for contributing to the Geneva Public Library!

 Donations are fully tax deductible, under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), as the donor has received no goods or services in return for their donation.

Questions or concerns, please contact the Library Administrative Assistant, Theresa Osborne,
at [email protected] or 315-789-5303 ext. 203.