An in-depth look at our library building,
Courtesy of Historic Geneva
June 6, 1905 – Daughters of the American Revolution, Seneca Chapter and Charles N. Hemiup meet to apply for a charter as a public library.
June 25, 1905 – The “Geneva Free Library” was chartered as an association library by action of the Board of Regents, to serve the city and town of Geneva.
May 14, 1906 – The formal opening of the public library with just 714 volumes, in the upper room of the then YMCA on Castle Street. Soon outgrown, the Library was later moved to an upper back room in the Wheat Building on Seneca St.
November 3, 1910 – Trustees approved executing a lease to use the recently disbanded Universalist Church building for $250 annual rent. Within the month, the Library had moved into the building it currently occupies.
1917 – The Universalist Board of Trustees no longer wished to rent out the building to the Library.
Meanwhile, 317 volumes were collected by the Library and sent to New York City for soldiers and sailors during the Great War.
1919 – A Soldiers and Sailors Memorial was discussed as possibly taking the form of a library building.
1920 – The Universalist Church building and two adjoining properties were purchased by the Library, and renovations slowly began.
1938 – The Library Association took steps to change the name of the library building to “Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Library”, though this did not change the Geneva Free Library corporate name.
1961 – A generous gift from Dr. Warren Hunting Smith allowed the library to renovate the existing building and add a west wing.
1990 – The Library was designated as the Central Library of the Pioneer Library System, to service its 41 member libraries in Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston counties.
Once again outgrowing their space, the Library initiated a campaign to gather funds for building another addition to the west wing.
1995 – The diagonal northwest addition to the building was completed.
November 15, 2005 – Voters of the Geneva City School District passed a public library referendum to create the Geneva Public Library.
February 14, 2006 – The Board of Regents granted an absolute charter as a school district public library to serve all of the residents of the Geneva City School District under the corporate name of “Geneva Public Library”.
February 28, 2019 – The Library purchased the neighboring property to the north to create a larger parking lot.
October 7, 2020 – A ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of the new parking lot.