Foundation for Geneva Public Library

Our Mission

Established in July 2011, the Foundation for Geneva Public Library (FGPL) solely helps to provide a firm financial basis for the Geneva Public Library. In this pursuit, the Foundation supports multiple programs and fund raising avenues for the Geneva Public Library.

FGPL will seek and accept donations in many forms: cash, securities, bequests, and, subject to board approval, antiques, charitable remainder trusts, fine art, and real property. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) incorporated organization and all contributions are fully tax deductible.

Giving to FGPL

Cash or Check: Print and fill out the Monetary Donation Form to be included with your donation. Then bring in, or mail the donation to the Library at the following address:
Geneva Public Library
c/o Administrative Assistant
244 Main St
Geneva, NY 14456

Credit Card: Please use our PayPal option below, or come into the library.

*​FGPL also welcomes gifts in memory of a departed loved one, or in honor of a person who is important to you. Please inform the Library of your wishes when you donate.

Annual Appeal Campaign

The Annual Appeal is a yearly mailing to our community asking for Library support. If you would like to donate to the Appeal and did not receive a letter in the mail, please contact the Library’s Administrative Assistant, who will add you to the mailing list. You may also donate to the Appeal online using the PayPal link above.

Through past annual appeals, the FGPL has financially aided specific needs of the Library, such as the renovation of the Children’s Floor, replacement of the  heating and air conditioning system, and the construction of a larger parking lot. In order to better serve their mission, FGPL has sustained a broader goal of building an endowment for the Library, which will help offset any future capital expenses. Your gift to FGPL today is a gift for the Library’s future​.

United Way

Did you know? The library is one of the organizations on the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes’ Donor Options Program! Simply include the ID# 3343, Foundation for Geneva Public Library, when filling out your United Way pledge information. Click the image below to donate now.

FGPL Board Members

  • Nancy Bauder – President
  • Lynn (Spike) Herzig – Vice President
  • Kerry Lippincott – Secretary
  • Mark Miller – Treasurer
  • George Abbott
  • Mary Gearan
  • Josephine Perry


The Foundation for Geneva Public Library sponsors several programs and events, particularly those connected with fundraising, on behalf of the library.​

Musical Moments
A long running, beloved concert series by local artists during the spring and fall. The Library is grateful to volunteer Tom McClure, who works hard to organize these events each year.​

A Taste of Jazz
Our annual music, wine, and food tasting fundraising event held every February.


Youth Services

Basket Raffle
The springtime fundraising raffle of community-sponsored gift baskets. All proceeds go towards Youth Services programs and materials.

Library Merchandise

Need a tote bag to carry all those library books? Want to send a card with local artwork? Looking to add to your library T-shirt collection?

The Foundation supplies the Geneva Public Library’s merchandise, which helps support the Library’s future endeavors. Ask at the First Floor Desk to buy today!

All prices for merchandise include sales tax.

Book Sales & ​the Balcony Bookstore

The FGPL supports the volunteer Book Sale Committee which manages the spring and fall Book Sales and the year-round Balcony Bookstore for the Library. Learn more about the Committee, our book sales, and how to volunteer by following the link above.

All prices for book sale items include sales tax.

We accept item donations in good condition all year, just bring them in to one of the circulation desks.​

If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Library Administrative Assistant, Theresa Osborne,
​at [email protected] or 315-789-5303 ext. 203.